Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Another Album "2" Comment
Comment From:http://www.jasemarioworld.blogspot.com/

Ini merupakan Single Terbaru yang dilahirkan oleh Indie Band ini bersempena dengan Bulan 1000 Rahmat ini, Ramadhan. Dalam album kedua band ini, lagu ini dinyanyikan spenuhnya oleh Vokalis Band ini tetapi jika kita berkesempatan mendapatkan Album Single Ramadan daripada Metamobile "CINTA YANG SEMPURNA". Single TUHAN ini menampilkan Afgan (penyanyi Indonesia) sementara CINTA YANG SEMPURNA pula adalah kolaborasi di antara 6ixthsense dan Noe vokalis Letto. Lagu TUHAN ini memang syahdu di dengar dengan lirik yang amat bersahaja dan dekat dengan diri kita. Jika selalu diputarkan di radio, saya kira boleh melekat di jiwa kita.

BINTANG-BINTANG jatuh No 2. Lagu ini amat moderate, bersahaja dan 'easy listening'. Liriknya juga seperti puitis tapi mudah difahami. Sebenarnya lagu mengenai sahabat selalunya akan melekat di jiwa saya (contoh : Sahabat Sejati - SO7). Dengan lirik yang amat positif, lagu ini memang sesuai dijadikan pembakar semangat tika berjauhan, bersendirian atau mencari keteguhan jiwa. Lihat saja... "teman ku punya cita-cita... yang kan ku genggam akhirnya... sudikah teruja tuk bersama... melewati ruang angkasa..." Bukankah itu amat indah sekali?

Ya... saya asyik bercerita tentang lagu itu dan lagu ini... Yaaa... ketiga-tiga lagu indah di atas terkadung dalam album 'Nitrus -2', Indie Band yang pernah memenangi Artis Harapan AIM 2002. Macam tak percaya sahaja. Yalah... saya bukannya pengikut Band Indie haruslaah terlepas pandang akan catatan peristiwa ini. Mungkin dahulu Band ini menyanyikan lagi Inggeris rasanya. Selain dari 3 lagu di atas... Lagu-lagu lain yang tidak kurang menariknya ialah Sisa (yang dah masuk pencalonan MuzikMuzik), Resah (Single Pertama), Hujung Dunia (Sound Track "Good Bye Boys") & Benar Salahku. Sebenarnya Eddy (Vokal/Gitar), Bob (Basis) & Is (Drummer) menurunkan tandatangan di cover CD ini, namun disebabkana menggunakan dakwat hitam, ia kurang menonjol. Yang pastinya semasa saya bertanya Eddy album mana lagi best... Nitrus @ E*******? Kata Eddy tentulah Nitrus. Dan setelah 3 kali mengulang main CD ini, memang Eddy tak masuk bakul angkat sendiri. Ternyata berbaloi memiliki CD ini !!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A long note for NITRUS
Hello Nitrus.
My name is Nazirah and I've been a fan since those early days of 'Better Days' and later when the band won an AIM for 'Most Promising Artist'. Then there was 'Rasa' and now I finally got myself the second album (which I bought the CD last Sunday).
I've never written anything to Nitrus. You guys have been one of my favorite local band and I'm so addicted to 'Resah' that I made it my caller ringtone, (used to) made it a Myspace profile song, sing my heart out whenever I listen to it, (used to) cried once and talk religiously about the song - "If my life is a movie, then 'Resah' would be part of the soundtrack." I can totally relate to it. Period.
Well, the album is good. Not beyond my expectation but not bad at all either. It is indeed a good sophomore effort. It's just better than 'Rasa'; way better.
I am totally amazed by the lyrics I found in the album. Each and every single one of them are very well-written yet very very meaningful. From 'Tunggu Esok' that remind me of my own poem titled 'Aku' to that very beautifully written 'Benar Salahku' which had caught my attention right away.
I can't stop staring at the album sleeve, looking passionately at the lyric of 'Benar Salahku'. These words lingers in my head even till now: "Jika cinta bukan pilihan, jika rasa itu hanya usikan, jika rindu hanya bertamu, ku relakan ia berlalu."
What this song is about really?
Is it a song about letting go? Of mistakes that seems hard to turn back time and be corrected? If that's what it means, then I hate Syed for writing such a song that reminded me of a one small part of my past that I never wanted to re-visit.
Nah, I never meant what I said when I used the word 'hate'. Instead, Syed did such an amazing music and lyric that speaks of real story and real feelings. The song speaks for itself. I wonder if he had to go through such a situation that he tells it right and perfectly well. I couldn't imagine someone who didn't experienced the situation would ever come out with something real and perfectly written. I just can't imagine that.
You see, I can go hours talking about 'Benar Salahku' alone. Every single sentence of it, they can make me argue. And I remember it very well that I've once said to 'him', apologizing for this feeling which Syed mentioned in the last verse of the song.
I'm glad I never cried because if I did, then I will make sure that I'll never listen to the song again but that would be a waste and a shame because such an amazing music is meant to be listen to, to be praised and be shared. Thank you for such an amazing song. Thanks to Eddie for that effortless vocal that suits the song best. The whole thing is just awesome and again, if my life is a movie, 'Benar Salahku' would also be part of the soundtrack. Period.
And it's more than just 'Benar Salahku' and 'Resah'. '2' caught my attention through the song 'Tuhan' too. I salute you guys for working on such a beautiful religious song that doesn't need to be one of those nasyid song. You stick to your musical root and give us (listeners) something to think about, a reminder. I don't think that I will ever get my hands on CDs by Raihan or Rabbani but this kind of song in a Nitrus CD play a huge part in working on the 'dakwah' as much as the fellow nasyid groups. Amazing.
Compared to 'Rasa', I can see that the band is putting it's direction towards a more deep-sophisticated music that depends very much on its lyrics. From the first track 'Tunggu Esok' to my favorite 'Benar Salahku', I just find the lyrics to be up to that extent that deserves a sastera award, if not those AIM ones.
Are you guys poet? Or do you study literature at school/college? Those perfectly written words are superb. They're excellent. Even the lyric of such straight-forward songs like 'Sisa' and 'Bintang Bintang' are admitted efforltlessly written lyric that have its poetrical values.
JUst like 'Benar Salahku', I can write a lot more to respond and discuss about the lyrics of the songs in the album. But, I just can't do that now. I can feel my hand aching. Haha.
But musically, some of the songs are still those kind of music that I've listened to, I've gotten used to, they're musically Nitrus-oriented. They're obvious and expected. I don't know why but I keep skipping 'Cinta' and 'Selalu Dihati' a lot. I'm sorry, but they just doesn't appeal to me much.
Overall, I love the CD. It's totally worth it. Rm39.90 for such great well-produced music are totally valueable. I thank you Nitrus for offering such great local music to me, that brightens my day and make me happy that I've spent my money on something worth more than just the normal respond: "We can download."
Ah, no! Not in a thousand years. And have I mentioned how attracted I am to the different artworks that reflects the different songs on the album sleeve? They're extremely cool. I mean, you might not go with a continuous concept that go through every pages but THAT is the concept. The artworks are beautiful, deep yet captivating.
Ah, I love Nitrus. I just looooveeee Nitrus. Period. In one of these days, I would really love to go catch you guys live whenever my time allows me too. But I definitely will and that would be a promise. And in one of these days, I would really love to see you guys play it for me 'Benar Salahku'. Maybe for my birthday later in December? Haha, I know it's just too much for a birthday wish. Hahaha.
Take care, people. Selamat hari raya! And write more great music, write more more more please. I love the band, I love Nitrus and will always do. Have a nice day people!
Regards, NAZIRAH.
My name is Nazirah and I've been a fan since those early days of 'Better Days' and later when the band won an AIM for 'Most Promising Artist'. Then there was 'Rasa' and now I finally got myself the second album (which I bought the CD last Sunday).
I've never written anything to Nitrus. You guys have been one of my favorite local band and I'm so addicted to 'Resah' that I made it my caller ringtone, (used to) made it a Myspace profile song, sing my heart out whenever I listen to it, (used to) cried once and talk religiously about the song - "If my life is a movie, then 'Resah' would be part of the soundtrack." I can totally relate to it. Period.
Well, the album is good. Not beyond my expectation but not bad at all either. It is indeed a good sophomore effort. It's just better than 'Rasa'; way better.
I am totally amazed by the lyrics I found in the album. Each and every single one of them are very well-written yet very very meaningful. From 'Tunggu Esok' that remind me of my own poem titled 'Aku' to that very beautifully written 'Benar Salahku' which had caught my attention right away.
I can't stop staring at the album sleeve, looking passionately at the lyric of 'Benar Salahku'. These words lingers in my head even till now: "Jika cinta bukan pilihan, jika rasa itu hanya usikan, jika rindu hanya bertamu, ku relakan ia berlalu."
What this song is about really?
Is it a song about letting go? Of mistakes that seems hard to turn back time and be corrected? If that's what it means, then I hate Syed for writing such a song that reminded me of a one small part of my past that I never wanted to re-visit.
Nah, I never meant what I said when I used the word 'hate'. Instead, Syed did such an amazing music and lyric that speaks of real story and real feelings. The song speaks for itself. I wonder if he had to go through such a situation that he tells it right and perfectly well. I couldn't imagine someone who didn't experienced the situation would ever come out with something real and perfectly written. I just can't imagine that.
You see, I can go hours talking about 'Benar Salahku' alone. Every single sentence of it, they can make me argue. And I remember it very well that I've once said to 'him', apologizing for this feeling which Syed mentioned in the last verse of the song.
I'm glad I never cried because if I did, then I will make sure that I'll never listen to the song again but that would be a waste and a shame because such an amazing music is meant to be listen to, to be praised and be shared. Thank you for such an amazing song. Thanks to Eddie for that effortless vocal that suits the song best. The whole thing is just awesome and again, if my life is a movie, 'Benar Salahku' would also be part of the soundtrack. Period.
And it's more than just 'Benar Salahku' and 'Resah'. '2' caught my attention through the song 'Tuhan' too. I salute you guys for working on such a beautiful religious song that doesn't need to be one of those nasyid song. You stick to your musical root and give us (listeners) something to think about, a reminder. I don't think that I will ever get my hands on CDs by Raihan or Rabbani but this kind of song in a Nitrus CD play a huge part in working on the 'dakwah' as much as the fellow nasyid groups. Amazing.
Compared to 'Rasa', I can see that the band is putting it's direction towards a more deep-sophisticated music that depends very much on its lyrics. From the first track 'Tunggu Esok' to my favorite 'Benar Salahku', I just find the lyrics to be up to that extent that deserves a sastera award, if not those AIM ones.
Are you guys poet? Or do you study literature at school/college? Those perfectly written words are superb. They're excellent. Even the lyric of such straight-forward songs like 'Sisa' and 'Bintang Bintang' are admitted efforltlessly written lyric that have its poetrical values.
JUst like 'Benar Salahku', I can write a lot more to respond and discuss about the lyrics of the songs in the album. But, I just can't do that now. I can feel my hand aching. Haha.
But musically, some of the songs are still those kind of music that I've listened to, I've gotten used to, they're musically Nitrus-oriented. They're obvious and expected. I don't know why but I keep skipping 'Cinta' and 'Selalu Dihati' a lot. I'm sorry, but they just doesn't appeal to me much.
Overall, I love the CD. It's totally worth it. Rm39.90 for such great well-produced music are totally valueable. I thank you Nitrus for offering such great local music to me, that brightens my day and make me happy that I've spent my money on something worth more than just the normal respond: "We can download."
Ah, no! Not in a thousand years. And have I mentioned how attracted I am to the different artworks that reflects the different songs on the album sleeve? They're extremely cool. I mean, you might not go with a continuous concept that go through every pages but THAT is the concept. The artworks are beautiful, deep yet captivating.
Ah, I love Nitrus. I just looooveeee Nitrus. Period. In one of these days, I would really love to go catch you guys live whenever my time allows me too. But I definitely will and that would be a promise. And in one of these days, I would really love to see you guys play it for me 'Benar Salahku'. Maybe for my birthday later in December? Haha, I know it's just too much for a birthday wish. Hahaha.
Take care, people. Selamat hari raya! And write more great music, write more more more please. I love the band, I love Nitrus and will always do. Have a nice day people!
Regards, NAZIRAH.
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